Pre K Wake Up Songs

Pre K Wake Up From Nap Songs

Pre K Wake Up Songs
Wake Up Song added 8-7-97 Original Author Unknown. Sung to: 'Twinkle Twinkle Little Star' Wake up, Groundhog. Time to see What the weather's Going to be. Time to stretch, Time to think, Time to eat, And time to drink. Wake up Groundhog, Time to see What the weather's Going to be! This is a collection of children's songs and rhymes about toys and teddies. What's that up ahead (shade eyes with hand, look around) A field. Check out Dr. Jean and Carolyn's Newest e-Book Here Alphabet Videos Letters-Kick Box Dr. Jean's Survival Guide Click here for more info Nursery Rhyme Printables Vol 2 10 new printables plus 10 songs Nursery Rhyme Printables Vol 1 107 pages plus 10 songs. New YouTube Videos - Zero the Hero.
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Pre K Wake Up Songs
When we think of bears in the winter, we imagine them taking a long winter nap only to awake during the rebirth of early spring just in time to search for food. This act is called hibernation and many animals, not only bears, go through this process. These animals can survive for months without food because they stuff themselves before the winter and have enough body fat to make it through this long period.