The Chumra Song Lyrics
One of the Kellolim (rules) in Rashi is, he explains the word when it appears the first time in the Torah or Gemoro. 12- 39 Vayofu es habotzeik – ugos matzohs. Rashi explains Botzeik Shelo Hichmitz Korui Matzoh (unleavened dough is called Matzoh) Why did Rashi wait until pasuk # 39 to explain what a matzah is?
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The word matzaha appears in Breishis 19 – 3 umatzhos ofoh vayocheilu. It also appears in this same parsha three times before the pasuk of Ugos matzhos. 1)Shmos 12- 17 ushmartem es hamatzhos -- 2) 12 -18 boerev tochlu matzhos – 3) 12- 20 b’chol moshvoseichem tochlu matzhos.
Why did Rashi not explain what a matzah is in Bereishis or at least the first time in this parsha? Moishe mi Kutzi one of the Ba’alei Hatosfos, wrote the Sefer Mitzvos Gadol better known as the Smag. Pdf editor 6 crack. The sefer is divided in two parts, 1) asei 2 ) lo sasei.
On all the taryag mitzvos. In 1763 a new sefer was printed by the name Kitzur Smag.

The Chumra Song Lyrics Meaning
What are the lyrics to the “Aveirah song”? July 2, 2013 2:17 pm at 2:17 pm #1076991 HaLeiVi. The Chumra song can have doing Bikur Cholim. Check out my old post entitled Chumra Research Institute which predicts all the future charedi chumras and bans that will be coming out sooner or later. As mentioned above the song yidden by Mordechai Ben David which is one of the most popular frummy songs of all time was in fact a German Disco song- heres the video.