Repair Outlook 2013 Windows 10

Repair Outlook 2013 Windows 10
RECOMMENDED: Are you experiencing issues with one of the programs? Want to repair the Office 365 on Windows 10 without actually reinstalling? In this guide, we will see how to safely repair Office 365 installation on Windows 10. Ever since Microsoft introduced Office 365, a large number of PC users are buying subscription based Office 365 instead of going for traditional Office versions. One of the benefits of Office 365 is that the user always gets to use the latest version of Microsoft Office. Although Office 2010 and Office 2013 are compatible with Windows 10, most users are using Office 365 and Office 2016 on Windows 10.
Repair your Office 365 installed on Windows 10 There is an official available to common Office 365 issues but it might not be able to resolve all Office 365 problems and errors. If you’re experiencing issues while opening or using one of the Office 365 programs you can easily fix these issues by repairing Office 365 installation on Windows 10. In this guide, we will walk you steps to help you repair Office 365 installation on Windows 10. Step 1: Open Start menu and click on the Settings icon to open Settings app. If the Start menu is not opening, use Windows logo + I hotkey to open Settings app.